Seeing that I’d not posted any news since the end of 2021, someone contacted me to check that I was still active. In fact 2022 and 2023 were probably my busiest years so far, with several local exhibitions, four “Open Studios” at Far Hall, and stalls at the big fairs at Waterperry Gardens (”Craft in Focus”). Hutton-in-the-Forest and Glynde Place (both “Potfest”). However, the latter part of ‘23 included some serious kiln problems, resulting in an overhaul of the compressor (which seized) and the dismantling of the salt kiln. The net result of this is that stock is low, so I’m cutting back on the shows while I rebuild and create a new body of work. I’ll post details of those shows I am in - Waterperry for a start - and update my galleries list. The showroom here is always open (Julienne’s painting, as well as my pots), as long as we’re in. Call or email us first to avoid a wasted journey.
Unpacking the last good salt firing